NGOReach NGO: power in action Fri, 10 Jan 2025 14:47:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NGOReach 32 32 Les ONG et la culture numérique : intersections inattendues Fri, 10 Jan 2025 14:47:08 +0000 Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la société en abordant des enjeux variés tels

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Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la société en abordant des enjeux variés tels que les droits de l’homme, l’environnement, et le développement durable. À l’ère numérique, la culture numérique s’invite dans leurs stratégies, créant des synergies inédites. Cet article explore les intersections entre les ONG et la culture numérique, mettant en lumière des exemples concrets et des analyses pertinentes.

L’impact de la culture numérique sur les ONG

La culture numérique englobe les pratiques, outils et comportements liés aux technologies de l’information et de la communication. Pour les ONG, adopter ces éléments permet d’amplifier leur impact, de mobiliser des ressources et de toucher un public plus large.

Transformation digitale des ONG

La digitalisation offre aux ONG de nouvelles opportunités pour :

  • Sensibilisation et communication : Utilisation des réseaux sociaux pour diffuser des messages et engager le public.
  • Collecte de fonds : Plateformes en ligne facilitant les dons et le financement participatif.
  • Gestion des projets : Outils numériques pour coordonner les initiatives et suivre les progrès.

Avantages et défis

L’intégration de la culture numérique présente des avantages significatifs, mais aussi des défis :

  • Avantages :
  • Accès à une audience mondiale
  • Agilité dans la gestion des campagnes
  • Meilleure analyse des données pour des actions ciblées
  • Défis :
  • Sécurité des données
  • Compétences numériques nécessaires
  • Maintien de l’engagement sur le long terme

Communautés en ligne et mobilisation

Les communautés en ligne jouent un rôle essentiel dans la mobilisation et l’engagement des membres des ONG. Elles permettent de créer des espaces de discussion, de partage d’informations et de coordination des actions.

Exemples de plateformes communautaires

  • Forums et réseaux sociaux : Espaces d’échange d’idées et de débat.
  • Groupes de soutien : Communautés dédiées à des causes spécifiques.
  • Applications de collaboration : Outils facilitant le travail en équipe à distance.

Étude de cas : Les sites d’ouverture de cases CS:GO

En abordant les divers aspects de la culture numérique, vous pouvez évoquer l’ouverture de cs go case opening websites comme exemple d’attrait ludique et de communauté en ligne mobilisée. Cette pratique illustre la valeur croissante des biens numériques dans le monde du jeu. Ces sites attirent des millions d’utilisateurs grâce à la promesse de gains aléatoires, créant ainsi des micro-communautés engagées et actives autour des jeux vidéo.

La valeur des biens numériques dans le gaming

Les biens numériques, tels que les skins et les cases dans les jeux vidéo, ont acquis une valeur économique significative. Comprendre cette valeur est essentiel pour les ONG souhaitant s’engager dans des projets liés au numérique.

Facteurs influençant la valeur des biens numériques

  • Rareté : La disponibilité limitée d’un objet augmente sa valeur.
  • Demande du marché : Plus la demande est élevée, plus la valeur est importante.
  • Historique des prix : Les fluctuations passées peuvent indiquer des tendances futures.

Analyse de la valeur : Les meilleurs ROI des cases CS:GO en 2023

Pour souligner l’importance de l’analyse de la valeur, insérez un passage sur l’évaluation de best roi csgo case 2023. Montrez comment la rareté, la demande du marché et l’historique des prix influencent la rentabilité de ces objets virtuels. Par exemple, certaines cases rares peuvent offrir un retour sur investissement élevé en raison de leur faible disponibilité et de la forte demande des joueurs et collectionneurs.

Stratégies numériques innovantes des ONG

Les ONG adoptent diverses stratégies numériques pour renforcer leur présence et leur efficacité.

Utilisation des médias sociaux

Les médias sociaux permettent aux ONG de :

  • Diffuser rapidement des informations
  • Engager des discussions autour de leurs causes
  • Mobiliser des soutiens lors des crises

Campagnes de marketing digital

Les campagnes de marketing digital ciblées augmentent la visibilité des ONG et facilitent la collecte de fonds. Elles utilisent des techniques telles que le référencement, le marketing par courriel et les publicités en ligne pour atteindre leurs objectifs.

Partenariats avec des acteurs du numérique

Collaborer avec des entreprises technologiques et des influenceurs numériques permet aux ONG d’accéder à de nouvelles audiences et de bénéficier d’expertises techniques.

Études de cas : Intersections réussies

ONG et plateformes de jeux vidéo

Certaines ONG collaborent avec des plateformes de jeux vidéo pour sensibiliser les joueurs à des causes importantes. Ces collaborations peuvent prendre la forme de campagnes intégrées dans les jeux, de dons basés sur l’activité des joueurs ou d’événements spéciaux.

Initiatives de crowdfunding

Les ONG utilisent des plateformes de crowdfunding pour financer leurs projets numériques. Cette méthode permet de collecter des fonds de manière transparente et participative, en impliquant directement la communauté.

Les défis de l’intégration numérique pour les ONG

Malgré les nombreux avantages, l’intégration de la culture numérique présente également des défis pour les ONG.

Sécurité et protection des données

La gestion des données sensibles requiert des mesures de sécurité robustes pour protéger les informations des donateurs et des bénéficiaires.

Inégalités d’accès

La fracture numérique peut limiter l’accès aux outils numériques pour certaines communautés, freinant ainsi l’engagement global des ONG.

Adaptation aux évolutions technologiques

Les ONG doivent constamment s’adapter aux nouvelles technologies pour rester pertinentes et efficaces dans leurs actions.

Perspectives futures

L’avenir des ONG et de la culture numérique s’annonce riche en innovations et en collaborations. L’intelligence artificielle, la réalité virtuelle et d’autres technologies émergentes offriront de nouvelles opportunités pour les ONG de renforcer leur impact et d’atteindre leurs objectifs.

Innovation technologique au service des causes sociales

Les avancées technologiques peuvent être utilisées pour résoudre des problèmes complexes, améliorer la transparence et accroître l’efficacité des ONG.

Renforcement des collaborations internationales

Les ONG peuvent tirer parti des outils numériques pour collaborer à l’échelle mondiale, partageant des ressources et des expertises pour des initiatives communes.


Les intersections entre les ONG et la culture numérique révèlent des opportunités inattendues pour renforcer les actions sociales et environnementales. En adoptant les outils numériques, les ONG peuvent élargir leur portée, mobiliser des ressources de manière innovante et s’adapter à un monde en constante évolution. Toutefois, elles doivent également surmonter des défis tels que la sécurité des données et les inégalités d’accès pour maximiser leur impact dans le paysage numérique.

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L’importance du volontariat dans le succès des ONG Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:18:18 +0000 Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la résolution des problèmes sociaux, économiques et environnementaux

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Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la résolution des problèmes sociaux, économiques et environnementaux à travers le monde. Leur impact dépend souvent des ressources humaines dont elles disposent, et parmi celles-ci, les volontaires occupent une place centrale. Le volontariat, en tant qu’engagement altruiste et souvent non rémunéré, est une composante essentielle du succès des ONG. 

1. Le volontariat : Une ressource humaine précieuse

Les ONG, en particulier celles opérant avec des budgets limités, dépendent fortement du travail des volontaires. Ces derniers apportent non seulement leur temps, mais également leurs compétences, leur passion, et leur énergie, sans alourdir les coûts de l’organisation.

a) Réduction des coûts opérationnels

Le volontariat permet aux ONG d’économiser des ressources financières précieuses. Les volontaires, en travaillant sans rémunération, permettent de canaliser les fonds vers des projets et programmes essentiels, comme l’achat de matériel médical, la construction d’infrastructures ou la fourniture de nourriture et d’eau potable.

b) Diversité des compétences

Les volontaires viennent souvent d’horizons divers et apportent des compétences variées : expertise en communication, compétences techniques, médicales, juridiques, ou encore artistiques. Cette diversité enrichit les capacités des ONG et leur permet de répondre à une gamme plus large de besoins.

c) Renforcement de la présence locale

Dans de nombreux cas, les volontaires sont issus des communautés locales. Leur connaissance du terrain et leur familiarité avec les cultures et traditions locales permettent aux ONG de mieux comprendre et répondre aux besoins spécifiques des populations.

2. Le rôle des volontaires dans la mission des ONG

Les volontaires participent activement à presque toutes les facettes du travail des ONG. Ils sont impliqués dans des activités qui vont de la planification à l’exécution des projets.

a) Sensibilisation et plaidoyer

Les volontaires jouent souvent un rôle clé dans la sensibilisation des communautés et le plaidoyer auprès des décideurs politiques. Leur engagement personnel ajoute de la crédibilité aux campagnes et initiatives menées par les ONG.

b) Assistance sur le terrain

Qu’il s’agisse de distribuer des vivres lors d’une crise humanitaire, de fournir des soins médicaux ou d’enseigner dans des écoles sous-financées, les volontaires sont souvent au cœur des interventions sur le terrain.

c) Soutien administratif et logistique

Les volontaires ne se limitent pas aux tâches visibles. Beaucoup travaillent en coulisses, aidant à organiser des événements, gérer les bases de données, ou même traduire des documents, contribuant ainsi au bon fonctionnement de l’ONG.

3. Les avantages du volontariat pour les volontaires eux-mêmes

Le volontariat n’est pas un acte à sens unique. Ceux qui s’impliquent dans une ONG retirent également de nombreux bénéfices, qu’ils soient personnels ou professionnels.

a) Développement des compétences

Le volontariat offre aux individus l’opportunité de développer de nouvelles compétences ou de renforcer celles qu’ils possèdent déjà. Cela peut inclure la gestion de projet, la communication interculturelle, ou encore des compétences techniques spécifiques.

b) Expérience enrichissante

Aider les autres procure souvent un sentiment de satisfaction personnelle. Le volontariat permet également de vivre des expériences uniques, de rencontrer des personnes inspirantes, et de découvrir de nouvelles cultures.

c) Opportunités de réseautage

Travailler avec une ONG permet de construire un réseau de contacts professionnels et personnels. Cela peut être particulièrement bénéfique pour les jeunes ou les personnes cherchant à réorienter leur carrière.

4. Les défis du volontariat pour les ONG

Bien que les volontaires soient une ressource précieuse, leur gestion peut poser des défis aux ONG.

a) Formation et supervision

Les volontaires nécessitent souvent une formation pour comprendre les missions et objectifs de l’ONG, ainsi que pour apprendre les compétences nécessaires à leurs tâches. Cela demande du temps et des ressources à l’organisation.

b) Engagement à court terme

Certains volontaires ne s’engagent que pour des périodes limitées, ce qui peut créer des problèmes de continuité dans les projets en cours.

c) Alignement des motivations

Les volontaires ont parfois des attentes ou des motivations qui ne s’alignent pas parfaitement avec les objectifs de l’ONG, ce qui peut entraîner des malentendus ou des frustrations.

5. Maximiser l’impact des volontaires dans les ONG

Pour tirer le meilleur parti des volontaires, les ONG doivent adopter des stratégies qui encouragent leur engagement et renforcent leur efficacité.

a) Programmes de formation

Offrir des formations spécifiques aux volontaires leur permet de mieux comprendre leurs rôles et de se sentir plus confiants dans leurs tâches.

b) Reconnaissance de leur contribution

Montrer de la reconnaissance aux volontaires, par exemple à travers des certificats, des lettres de recommandation ou des événements dédiés, peut les motiver à rester engagés.

c) Encourager une implication à long terme

Créer des opportunités pour que les volontaires s’impliquent sur le long terme, en leur confiant des responsabilités croissantes, peut améliorer la continuité des projets.

d) Utilisation de plateformes numériques

Les plateformes en ligne peuvent aider les ONG à recruter, former et coordonner les volontaires, en particulier pour des tâches qui peuvent être accomplies à distance, comme la traduction ou la gestion des réseaux sociaux.


Le volontariat est une pierre angulaire du succès des ONG. En fournissant du temps, des compétences, et de la passion, les volontaires permettent aux organisations de maximiser leur impact tout en minimisant leurs coûts. En retour, les volontaires eux-mêmes bénéficient d’une expérience enrichissante et transformatrice. Bien que le volontariat comporte des défis pour les ONG, des stratégies efficaces peuvent surmonter ces obstacles et garantir que cette collaboration reste fructueuse. Dans un monde confronté à des défis croissants, l’importance du volontariat dans le succès des ONG ne peut être sous-estimée.

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Les défis de l’intégration des données des ONG dans une thèse et leur correction thèse Mon, 02 Dec 2024 13:22:40 +0000 Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la collecte et l’analyse de données sur des

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Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) jouent un rôle crucial dans la collecte et l’analyse de données sur des problématiques sociales, économiques, environnementales et humanitaires. Pour les chercheurs, et en particulier les étudiants qui rédigent une thèse, ces données peuvent constituer une ressource précieuse. Cependant, leur intégration dans un travail académique, notamment une thèse, n’est pas sans défis. À cela s’ajoute la nécessité d’une correction thèse rigoureuse pour garantir la clarté, la précision et la crédibilité des recherches.

1. Comprendre la nature des données des ONG

Les données collectées par les ONG diffèrent souvent de celles des sources académiques traditionnelles. Elles sont généralement axées sur des problématiques pratiques et opérationnelles, avec un objectif d’impact direct plutôt que de rigueur scientifique. Cela peut poser des défis spécifiques pour leur utilisation dans une thèse.

a) Des données qualitatives plutôt que quantitatives

Les ONG collectent souvent des données qualitatives, comme des témoignages ou des observations de terrain, ce qui peut être difficile à intégrer dans une analyse académique basée sur des modèles statistiques.

b) Variabilité dans la qualité des données

La qualité des données des ONG peut varier en fonction des méthodes de collecte, des compétences des équipes ou des contraintes locales. Cela peut rendre leur validation et leur interprétation plus complexes.

c) Objectifs biaisés

Les ONG ont parfois des objectifs spécifiques, ce qui peut influencer la manière dont les données sont collectées ou présentées. Cela peut introduire des biais qu’il est important de reconnaître et d’adresser dans une thèse.

2. Les défis de l’intégration des données des ONG dans une thèse

a) Vérification de la crédibilité des données

Les étudiants doivent s’assurer que les données utilisées sont fiables et crédibles. Cela peut impliquer de vérifier les méthodologies de collecte des ONG, d’évaluer les échantillons utilisés et d’identifier les éventuelles limitations.

b) Respect des droits et de la confidentialité

Les données des ONG incluent souvent des informations sensibles, notamment dans des domaines tels que la santé ou les droits de l’homme. Les étudiants doivent respecter les normes éthiques, comme le consentement informé, et protéger la confidentialité des données.

c) Harmonisation avec les exigences académiques

Les données des ONG, bien qu’utiles, ne sont pas toujours structurées selon les standards académiques. L’étudiant doit donc transformer et organiser ces données pour qu’elles s’intègrent dans la structure rigoureuse d’une thèse.

d) Difficulté d’accès aux données

Certaines ONG ne partagent leurs données qu’avec des partenaires de confiance ou dans des conditions spécifiques. L’obtention de ces données peut donc nécessiter du temps, des négociations ou des partenariats.

3. Comment surmonter ces défis ?

a) Collaborer avec les ONG

Établir une relation de confiance avec une ONG peut faciliter l’accès à des données de qualité et à des informations contextuelles utiles. Participer à des projets de terrain ou des séminaires organisés par des ONG peut également enrichir votre compréhension.

b) Analyser les données avec un regard critique

Pour intégrer les données des ONG dans une thèse, il est essentiel de les évaluer de manière critique. Cela inclut :

• Identifier les limites méthodologiques.

• Croiser les données avec d’autres sources pour valider leur fiabilité.

• Expliquer clairement les biais potentiels dans la section méthodologique de la thèse.

c) Utiliser des outils pour structurer les données

Des logiciels comme NVivo ou Atlas.ti peuvent aider à organiser et analyser des données qualitatives. Pour les données quantitatives, des outils comme SPSS ou R peuvent être utiles pour effectuer des analyses approfondies.

4. L’importance d’une correction thèse rigoureuse

Une fois les données intégrées dans la thèse, il est crucial de procéder à une correction thèse approfondie pour garantir la clarté, la cohérence et la conformité aux normes académiques.

a) Assurer la cohérence du contenu

L’intégration des données des ONG peut introduire des termes ou concepts spécifiques qui doivent être expliqués clairement pour le lecteur académique. Une correction thèse permet de vérifier que chaque section est cohérente avec les autres.

b) Réviser la méthodologie et l’analyse

La section méthodologique doit expliquer comment les données des ONG ont été collectées, analysées et interprétées. Une correction thèse rigoureuse garantit que ces explications sont claires et complètes.

c) Vérifier les citations et références

Les données provenant des ONG doivent être correctement citées pour éviter tout problème de plagiat. Une relecture finale permettra de s’assurer que toutes les sources sont référencées selon les normes (APA, MLA, etc.).

d) Améliorer la clarté linguistique

L’écriture académique exige un langage clair et précis. Les outils de correction comme Antidote ou Grammarly peuvent être utilisés pour éliminer les fautes grammaticales et stylistiques.

5. Maximiser l’impact de votre thèse grâce aux données des ONG

L’intégration des données des ONG dans une thèse peut enrichir votre recherche et renforcer sa pertinence pratique. Pour maximiser cet impact :

Faites des recommandations basées sur vos résultats : Les ONG peuvent utiliser vos conclusions pour améliorer leurs pratiques ou orienter leurs politiques.

Partagez votre travail avec l’ONG : Collaborer avec une ONG pendant votre recherche peut renforcer votre crédibilité et avoir un impact concret.

Publiez vos résultats : Utilisez vos données et analyses pour publier des articles ou des rapports qui peuvent bénéficier à la communauté scientifique et au secteur non gouvernemental.


L’intégration des données des ONG dans une thèse est une opportunité enrichissante, mais elle nécessite une approche rigoureuse et réfléchie. Les défis liés à la crédibilité, à l’éthique et à l’harmonisation des données avec les exigences académiques peuvent être surmontés grâce à une collaboration étroite avec les ONG et une analyse critique des informations. Enfin, une correction thèse approfondie est indispensable pour garantir la qualité et l’impact de votre travail. Avec une méthodologie claire et un engagement sérieux, votre thèse peut non seulement atteindre les standards académiques, mais aussi contribuer de manière significative au travail des ONG et à l’avancement des connaissances dans votre domaine.

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Analyzing the Impact of NGOs: A Study of Their Role in Social Change Tue, 26 Nov 2024 12:40:04 +0000 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are central to addressing critical social, environmental, and economic issues. Operating outside the constraints of

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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are central to addressing critical social, environmental, and economic issues. Operating outside the constraints of government bodies and profit-driven businesses, NGOs have the unique ability to respond quickly to crises, advocate for marginalized communities, and promote sustainable development. Their role in driving social change is multifaceted, ranging from grassroots activism to global advocacy.

1. The Multifaceted Role of NGOs in Social Change

NGOs are inherently diverse in their scope and operations, which allows them to tackle a wide range of societal challenges. Their role in social change can be broken down into several key areas.

Advocacy and Awareness

One of the primary functions of NGOs is to amplify the voices of underrepresented or marginalized communities. By raising awareness about social injustices, environmental degradation, or human rights violations, NGOs help shape public opinion and influence policymaking. Campaigns by organizations such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace have successfully brought global attention to issues like political repression and climate change, respectively.

Through education and outreach programs, NGOs also empower individuals to take action, fostering grassroots movements that can lead to lasting change. For instance, local NGOs often work with communities to build capacity and advocate for their own rights, creating a bottom-up approach to development.

Direct Intervention

NGOs are often on the front lines of crises, providing critical services in areas where governments or private sectors fail to act. In humanitarian emergencies, organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) deliver medical care, while others distribute food and shelter. Their ability to operate independently allows them to act swiftly and adapt to changing circumstances, which is vital in disaster response or conflict zones.

Driving Policy Change

NGOs also play a significant role in influencing policy at both national and international levels. By leveraging research, partnerships, and advocacy efforts, they contribute to the creation of laws and policies that address systemic issues. For example, international NGOs have been instrumental in the adoption of global frameworks such as the Paris Agreement on climate change.

2. Challenges and Criticisms Faced by NGOs

While NGOs are celebrated for their contributions, they are not without challenges and criticisms. These issues can impact their ability to drive effective and sustainable social change.

Financial Sustainability

Many NGOs rely heavily on external funding from governments, international agencies, or private donors. This dependency can create vulnerabilities, as shifts in donor priorities or economic downturns may reduce available resources. Additionally, the need to secure funding can sometimes lead NGOs to prioritize visibility over impact, diverting attention from long-term goals.

Accountability and Transparency

NGOs are often scrutinized for their accountability, as they operate in a space between governments and private entities. Without proper oversight, there is a risk of mismanagement or inefficiency. Critics argue that some NGOs lack transparency regarding their financial practices or decision-making processes, which can undermine trust with the communities they serve.

Balancing Local and Global Agendas

International NGOs, in particular, face the challenge of balancing global priorities with local needs. Imposing solutions from outside can sometimes lead to cultural misunderstandings or resistance from local populations. Successful NGOs must prioritize collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure their efforts are contextually relevant and sustainable.

3. The Evolving Role of NGOs in a Changing World

As global challenges become more complex, the role of NGOs continues to evolve. Advances in technology, shifts in societal values, and increasing global interconnectivity offer both opportunities and new responsibilities.

Leveraging Technology

Technology has revolutionized the way NGOs operate. From data collection and analysis to online fundraising campaigns, digital tools enhance efficiency and reach. For instance, social media platforms allow NGOs to engage with a global audience, raising awareness and mobilizing support at unprecedented scales. Similarly, geographic information systems (GIS) enable NGOs to map and monitor issues such as deforestation or humanitarian needs in real-time.

Collaborating with Other Sectors

The increasing collaboration between NGOs, governments, and private sectors has expanded their ability to address systemic issues. Public-private partnerships bring together the strengths of different stakeholders, fostering innovation and scaling impact. For example, partnerships between NGOs and tech companies have accelerated efforts to provide digital education in underserved communities.

Addressing Emerging Issues

As the world faces new challenges, such as the rise of artificial intelligence and the ongoing climate crisis, NGOs must adapt their strategies to remain effective. Their ability to innovate and advocate for ethical approaches will be crucial in shaping the societal response to these developments.


NGOs are vital agents of social change, offering a unique blend of advocacy, direct intervention, and policy influence. While they face significant challenges, their adaptability and dedication to their missions ensure their continued relevance in addressing pressing global issues. By leveraging technology, fostering partnerships, and staying responsive to evolving needs, NGOs can enhance their impact and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future. Understanding and supporting their efforts is essential for anyone interested in driving meaningful change in today’s world.

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Writing a Dissertation on the Role of NGOs: Tips for In-Depth Research Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:50:41 +0000 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role on the global stage, addressing various issues such as human rights,

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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role on the global stage, addressing various issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and economic development. These organizations are often seen as agents of change, stepping in where governments or businesses fall short. Choosing to study the role of NGOs in a dissertation can be both rewarding and challenging, requiring a clear methodology and thorough research.

If you are considering writing a dissertation on this subject, resources such as can offer structured guidance to help you organize your ideas and enhance the quality of your academic work.

1. Understanding the Multifaceted Role of NGOs

Before beginning your research, it is essential to grasp the diversity of missions and impacts that NGOs have. These organizations operate across a wide range of fields and contribute significantly to society.

Fields of Action

NGOs work in sectors such as health, education, environmental protection, human rights, and humanitarian relief. For instance, Médecins Sans Frontières provides medical care in conflict zones, while Greenpeace focuses on environmental issues. Their flexibility and ability to mobilize resources enable them to make a meaningful impact.

Collaborations with Governments and International Institutions

NGOs often collaborate with governments or international organizations such as the United Nations. However, they maintain their independence, allowing them to critique policies or practices they deem ineffective or unjust. This dual role of independence and partnership makes them unique actors on the global stage.

2. Conducting Thorough Research on NGOs

To write a quality dissertation, thorough research is indispensable. Here are key elements to guide your process.

Analyzing Case Studies

Case studies are a valuable method for examining the impact of NGOs in specific contexts. For instance, you could analyze the role of a particular NGO in responding to a humanitarian crisis or evaluate its impact on a local community. Concrete examples help link theory to practice and illustrate your arguments effectively.

Understanding Critiques and Limitations

While NGOs are often praised for their work, they are not without criticism. Some are accused of lacking transparency or acting inefficiently. Including these critiques in your dissertation provides a balanced and in-depth analysis.

Exploring Data and Reports

Many NGOs publish annual reports or data about their activities. These documents can be invaluable for evaluating their performance and impact. Additionally, academic databases and specialized publications can enrich your theoretical framework.

3. Structuring Your Dissertation on the Role of NGOs

Once you have gathered sufficient data, structuring your dissertation logically and cohesively is crucial.

Defining a Clear Research Question

Your dissertation should answer a specific question, such as: “What is the impact of NGOs on sustainable development policies?” or “How do NGOs influence human rights in conflict zones?” A well-defined research question provides direction for your work.

Organizing Your Arguments

Your dissertation should include several distinct yet connected sections. For example:

• An introduction that presents your topic and explains its significance.

• A theoretical framework that explores key concepts related to NGOs.

• A detailed analysis based on your data or case studies.

• A conclusion that synthesizes your findings and proposes recommendations.

Using Concrete Examples

Concrete examples and case studies add credibility to your dissertation. They also illustrate your arguments in a clear and engaging way, making it easier for readers to understand.

4. Evaluating the Global Impact of NGOs

Your dissertation can also examine how NGOs contribute to global challenges, such as climate change or poverty.

Influence on Public Policies

Some NGOs, through their expertise and advocacy, directly influence public policies. For example, WWF’s awareness campaigns have pushed many governments to adopt measures to protect endangered species.

Contribution to Sustainable Development

In an increasingly interconnected world, NGOs play a key role in promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By collaborating with local and international partners, they contribute to initiatives that have lasting impacts on communities.


Writing a dissertation on the role of NGOs is an opportunity to contribute to a deeper understanding of their impact and importance in society. By following a rigorous methodology, exploring relevant case studies, and integrating a balanced analysis, you can produce high-quality academic work that sheds light on critical issues related to NGOs. With thorough research and a clear structure, you will be able to highlight the multifaceted roles of these organizations essential to global change.

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Resumes for Social Workers: Making an Impact on Global Social Issues Mon, 09 Oct 2023 12:01:34 +0000 In an ever-evolving world marred by multifaceted social challenges, the pivotal role of social workers cannot be overstated.

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In an ever-evolving world marred by multifaceted social challenges, the pivotal role of social workers cannot be overstated. Social workers, armed with their unwavering commitment and unique set of skills, are at the forefront of addressing global social issues. They are the advocates for marginalized communities, the voices of the voiceless, and the catalysts for positive change on a global scale.

Your journey as a social worker is a testament to your dedication to making a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities, both locally and across the globe. Crafting a resume that effectively communicates your passion, skills, and experiences is paramount in ensuring that your vital role in addressing global social issues is recognized and valued.

This comprehensive guide is designed to empower social workers like you with the tools and insights needed to create a compelling resume. It serves as a roadmap to help you convey your expertise, empathy, and commitment to social justice through your professional profile. As you navigate the intricate landscape of global social issues, your resume becomes a powerful instrument—a reflection of your role as a change-maker and advocate for a better, more equitable world.

Key Skills for Social Workers

In the realm of social work, a unique blend of skills is essential, transcending mere professional qualifications. These skills are the heart and soul of your practice, enabling you to navigate the intricate terrain of global social issues with empathy, effectiveness, and unwavering dedication.

Empathy: At the core of your work as a social worker lies empathy—an ability to wholeheartedly understand the experiences, emotions, and struggles of individuals and communities. Your capacity to connect with people on a profound level is the cornerstone of building trust and fostering positive change.

Communication: Effective communication, both verbal and written, is your conduit for advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment. Your ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and compassion is paramount in ensuring that the voices of those you serve are heard and respected.

Advocacy: As a social worker, you are the advocate for those whose voices may otherwise go unheard. Your advocacy skills are the driving force behind your efforts to promote social justice, effect policy changes, and create opportunities for the marginalized. You are the bridge between societal issues and actionable solutions.

Tailoring Your Resume for Social Impact

Your resume is not just a document; it’s a canvas upon which you paint your dedication to addressing global social issues. It’s a testament to your commitment, a mirror reflecting your passion for social justice. To maximize its impact, consider the art of tailoring—a practice that transcends customization to become an act of advocacy.

Customization: Each social work opportunity is unique, with its own set of challenges and objectives. Tailoring your resume involves customizing it to align with the specific role or organization you’re targeting. Highlight the skills, experiences, and achievements most relevant to the cause you’re passionate about. By doing so, you show prospective employers your readiness and alignment with their mission.

Specificity: Generic resumes fall short in conveying the depth of your commitment. It’s the specifics that matter—details that provide insight into your journey as a social worker. Share concrete examples of your contributions, the lives you’ve impacted, and the challenges you’ve overcome. These vivid details breathe life into your resume, making it a compelling narrative of your role in addressing global social issues.

Remember, your resume is your voice before you even utter a word. It’s your advocate when you’re not in the room. By tailoring it with care and specificity, you ensure that it resonates with the hearts and minds of those who recognize the profound impact social workers like you make on global social issues.

Showcasing Relevant Experience

The tapestry of your social work career is woven with the threads of diverse experiences, each representing a chapter in your journey to address global social issues. Showcasing this rich tapestry in your resume is not just about listing past jobs; it’s about narrating your impact and the lives you’ve touched.

In the section dedicated to showcasing your experience, vividly describe your involvement in social work projects that have brought about tangible improvements. These projects are more than just entries on your resume; they are your footprints in the sands of change.

Furthermore, your internships and volunteer experiences are testament to your dedication. Describe the moments when you rolled up your sleeves, worked side by side with those in need, and contributed your skills to make a difference. These experiences illustrate the real-world application of your social work education.

Education and Qualifications

Your educational background and qualifications form the bedrock of your career as a social worker. They are the stepping stones that allowed you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to address global social issues effectively.

Highlight your degrees, certifications, and licenses prominently on your resume. These credentials are not just pieces of paper; they represent your dedication to continuous learning and your commitment to upholding professional standards.

Moreover, don’t forget to emphasize your ongoing education and professional development. Social work is a dynamic field, and your willingness to stay updated on emerging trends and practices is a testament to your dedication.

In summary, your experience and education are not just entries on your resume; they are the pillars of your social work journey. By vividly showcasing your experiences and qualifications, you paint a compelling picture of your dedication to addressing global social issues, inspiring others to join in your mission for a better, more equitable world.

Highlighting Achievements

In the world of social work, achievements are not merely accolades; they are the tangible evidence of your dedication to addressing global social issues. As you craft your resume, consider the importance of highlighting these achievements.

Your accomplishments represent the impact you’ve made on individuals, communities, and society at large. They are the quantifiable results of your unwavering commitment to positive change. Whether it’s improving the lives of vulnerable populations, advocating for policy changes, or leading initiatives that have far-reaching effects, your achievements are the milestones that define your social work journey.

By showcasing your achievements on your resume, you not only demonstrate your effectiveness as a social worker but also paint a vivid picture of your passion for addressing global social issues. Remember, it’s not just about what you’ve done; it’s about the lives you’ve touched and the positive changes you’ve brought about.

Resume Design and Formatting Tips

The design and formatting of your resume are the silent storytellers that guide readers through your professional narrative. A well-designed resume enhances readability and ensures that your message comes across clearly.

When it comes to design and formatting, simplicity is key. A clean and uncluttered layout with a professional font provides a polished appearance. Consistency in font style and size throughout your resume maintains a cohesive look.

Strategically incorporate visual elements to improve readability and guide the reader’s eye. While excessive graphics should be avoided, the judicious use of icons or dividers can break up sections and enhance the visual appeal.

Organize your resume logically with clear headings and subheadings. Bold or italic text can be used to emphasize key points or section titles, aiding navigation.

Consider using bullet points sparingly to draw attention to crucial achievements or responsibilities within each section. This helps break up dense text and makes your accomplishments stand out.

Lastly, save your resume as a PDF to ensure consistent formatting across different devices and platforms. A PDF format also safeguards your document from accidental alterations.

Remember that your resume’s design and formatting should complement your content, not overshadow it. A well-designed resume enhances the impact of your achievements and qualifications, allowing you to present your role as a social worker addressing global social issues with professionalism and clarity.


As we draw the curtain on this exploration of crafting impactful resumes for social workers, it’s evident that your role in addressing global social issues is nothing short of remarkable. Your dedication, skills, and experiences converge to create a powerful narrative—one that speaks of empathy, advocacy, and a commitment to positive change.

Your resume is not merely a document; it’s a declaration of your mission. It encapsulates your passion for social justice, your achievements as a change-maker, and your unwavering belief in a better, more equitable world. It serves as a bridge between your aspirations and opportunities, opening doors to positions where you can amplify your impact.

In the dynamic field of social work, your resume is a compass, guiding you toward the opportunities that align with your vision. May it reflect the depth of your commitment, the breadth of your skills, and the heights of your achievements. With each word, each experience, and each achievement on your resume, you reinforce the critical role of social workers in addressing global social issues.


Q1: How can I make my social work resume stand out?

A1: To stand out, focus on quantifiable achievements, emphasize your impact, and tailor your resume for each opportunity.

Q2: Should I include personal information on my resume?

A2: It’s generally not necessary to include personal information like age or marital status. Focus on professional qualifications.

Q3: Can I include non-social work experience on my resume?

A3: Yes, if it showcases transferable skills relevant to social work.

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Resumes for Environmental Activists: Highlighting Your Role in Addressing Global Challenges Mon, 09 Oct 2023 10:36:49 +0000 In a world where environmental concerns have reached critical levels, the role of environmental activists has never been

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In a world where environmental concerns have reached critical levels, the role of environmental activists has never been more vital. As passionate individuals dedicated to preserving our planet, you understand the urgency of addressing global challenges such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution. Crafting a resume that effectively communicates your commitment to environmental causes is essential, and it’s where professional resume services can make a substantial difference.

Your resume serves as your first introduction to potential employers and organizations that share your passion for environmental conservation. It’s a powerful tool that can open doors, allowing you to contribute to global efforts to combat pressing issues like poverty, climate catastrophes, and other global concerns.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements of crafting a compelling resume tailored specifically to environmental activism. From highlighting your skills and relevant experience to showcasing your educational background and achievements, we’ll provide you with the insights and strategies you need to create a resume that stands out in the competitive field of environmental activism.

Key Skills for Environmental Activists

In the realm of environmental activism, it’s not just passion that counts; it’s your unique set of skills that can truly make a difference. As an environmental activist, you play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change, habitat destruction, and resource depletion. Here, we explore the key skills that will not only help you excel but also empower you to drive positive change in the world.

1. Sustainability: Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the guiding principle behind your actions. Environmental activists must understand the delicate balance between human needs and the preservation of our planet’s ecosystems. Your ability to promote sustainable practices, whether it’s in your daily life or as part of your advocacy work, showcases your commitment to a more environmentally conscious future.

2. Advocacy: Advocacy is the heart of environmental activism. You are the voice for the voiceless, speaking up for ecosystems, wildlife, and communities affected by environmental issues. Your persuasive communication skills, whether in person or through written materials, can inspire change and mobilize others to join the cause.

3. Conservation: The essence of environmental activism lies in preserving our natural world. Your knowledge of conservation principles, including habitat protection and biodiversity conservation, is instrumental. Whether you’re organizing local clean-up events or advocating for national policy changes, your conservation efforts contribute to addressing global challenges.

Tailoring Your Resume for Environmental Impact

Your resume is more than just a document; it’s your opportunity to convey your dedication to environmental causes and demonstrate your potential impact on global challenges. Tailoring your resume is a strategic approach that can significantly improve your chances of landing a role that aligns with your passion for environmental activism.

Customization: Each environmental opportunity you pursue may have unique requirements and preferences. Tailoring your resume involves customizing it to match the specific job or organization. Highlight the skills, experiences, and achievements most relevant to the role, ensuring that your resume resonates with the reader.

Specificity: Don’t just tell, show. Provide concrete examples of your environmental involvement. Whether it’s through volunteer work, projects, or internships, the specifics of your experience speak volumes about your commitment. Use vivid descriptions that paint a clear picture of your contributions to environmental causes.

By honing these skills and mastering the art of resume tailoring, you’ll not only stand out among other environmental activists but also increase your chances of making a lasting impact on global challenges. Your resume becomes a powerful tool to communicate your dedication to the environment, paving the way for meaningful contributions to the cause you hold dear.

Showcasing Relevant Experience

In the world of environmental activism, your experiences are your currency. They tell the story of your dedication, your journey, and your impact on addressing global challenges. When it comes to crafting your resume as an environmental activist, showcasing your relevant experience is paramount.

Your hands-on involvement in environmental projects is a testament to your commitment. Whether you’ve participated in local initiatives to clean up rivers or volunteered with wildlife conservation organizations, these experiences are your badges of honor. They demonstrate your practical knowledge, your ability to work in diverse environments, and your willingness to get your hands dirty, quite literally, for the cause.

Additionally, internships in environmental organizations provide valuable insights and an opportunity to work alongside seasoned activists. The knowledge gained from these experiences is indispensable and deserves a prominent place on your resume. Don’t forget to highlight the specific projects and tasks you undertook during your internships, as this information paints a vivid picture of your contributions.

Furthermore, your involvement in community outreach and engagement programs reflects your dedication to spreading awareness and rallying support. Mention your roles in organizing environmental awareness events, workshops, or educational programs. These activities demonstrate your ability to mobilize people and make a lasting impact in your community.

Remember, your resume should tell the story of your environmental journey, from the very first project that ignited your passion to your most recent achievements. Each experience is a piece of the puzzle that forms the complete picture of your role in addressing global challenges through environmental activism.

Education and Qualifications

In your quest to become an environmental activist, your educational background and qualifications provide the foundation for your journey. These aspects of your resume not only reflect your dedication to learning but also signify your commitment to being a well-informed and effective advocate for the environment.

Your degrees in fields like environmental science, ecology, sustainability, or related disciplines are the cornerstones of your environmental knowledge. They serve as proof of your formal education and provide a solid foundation for your activism. Mention these qualifications prominently on your resume to showcase your expertise.

Moreover, certifications can enhance your resume’s credibility. Certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or specific environmental training courses demonstrate your commitment to staying updated on industry standards and best practices. They illustrate your dedication to advancing your skills and knowledge.

Highlighting relevant coursework can also provide insights into your areas of expertise. Mention specific courses that align with the environmental challenges you’re passionate about addressing. This can help potential employers or organizations understand your specialized knowledge.

In summary, your education and qualifications are not just credentials but a reflection of your dedication to the environmental cause. They serve as a strong foundation upon which you build your environmental activism journey and demonstrate your readiness to contribute meaningfully to global efforts to address pressing environmental challenges.

Spotlight on Achievements

Your journey as an environmental activist is marked by numerous achievements, both big and small, that contribute to the greater mission of addressing global challenges. These achievements are the tangible proof of your impact and dedication to making a positive difference in the world.

As you craft your resume, it’s essential to shine a spotlight on these achievements to capture the attention of potential employers or organizations. Your achievements provide concrete evidence of your effectiveness and commitment to environmental causes.

Consider highlighting moments when your environmental initiatives led to measurable results. Did your tree planting project lead to the restoration of a local ecosystem? Did your advocacy efforts result in changes in policy or increased public awareness? These achievements not only demonstrate your capability but also tell a compelling story about your role in addressing global environmental challenges.

Moreover, awards and recognitions you’ve received for your environmental work deserve special attention on your resume. They serve as external validations of your contributions and can significantly enhance your credibility. Be sure to detail the significance of each award and how it relates to your environmental activism.

Lastly, quantify your achievements wherever possible. Numbers and data add weight to your accomplishments. Whether it’s the number of trees planted, the amount of waste reduced, or the funds raised for a cause, these metrics provide a clear understanding of the impact you’ve made.

Incorporating these achievements into your resume paints a vivid picture of your journey as an environmental activist, demonstrating your capacity to drive change and contribute to the global effort to address pressing environmental challenges.

Resume Design and Formatting Tips

Your resume’s design and formatting play a significant role in making a strong impression on potential employers and organizations. A well-designed resume not only captures attention but also enhances readability and communicates professionalism.

When it comes to design and formatting, simplicity is key. Clean, uncluttered layouts with a professional font (such as Arial or Calibri) create a polished look. Maintain consistency in font style and size throughout your resume for a cohesive appearance.

Incorporate visual elements strategically. While you shouldn’t overcrowd your resume with graphics, a tasteful use of icons or dividers can help guide the reader’s eye and break up sections for improved readability.

Organize your resume logically, with clear headings and subheadings. Use bold or italic text to emphasize key points or section titles. A well-structured resume makes it easy for the reader to navigate and find the information they need.

Consider the use of bullet points sparingly to draw attention to key achievements or responsibilities within each section. This helps break up dense text and makes your accomplishments stand out.

Lastly, save your resume as a PDF to ensure that its formatting remains consistent across different devices and platforms. A PDF also protects your document from unintentional changes.

Remember that your resume’s design and formatting should complement the content, not overshadow it. A well-designed resume enhances the impact of your achievements and qualifications, helping you present your role as an environmental activist addressing global challenges with professionalism and clarity.


In the grand symphony of addressing global challenges through environmental activism, your resume is the score that sets the tone for your journey. It encapsulates your passion, skills, experiences, education, and achievements into a powerful document that speaks volumes about your commitment to making the world a better place.

As you embark on this mission, remember that your resume is not merely a summary of your past but a roadmap for your future. It’s a testament to your dedication to the environment, your readiness to confront global issues like climate change and habitat destruction, and your unwavering belief in positive change.

Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the essential elements of crafting a compelling environmental activist resume. We’ve delved into showcasing your skills, tailoring your experiences, emphasizing your education, and highlighting your achievements. By following these principles, you’re not just crafting a resume; you’re crafting a narrative of your role in addressing global challenges.

Now, armed with your well-crafted resume, venture forth with confidence. Seek out opportunities that align with your passion for environmental conservation. Whether you’re looking to join an established organization, lead grassroots efforts, or engage in advocacy, your resume will be your trusted companion on this journey.

Your role as an environmental activist is instrumental in shaping a sustainable future for our planet. As you continue your path, may your resume serve as a beacon, guiding you toward opportunities that allow you to contribute to global efforts aimed at mitigating environmental crises, alleviating poverty, and addressing other pressing global concerns.


Q1: Can I include non-environmental work experience on my resume?

A1: Yes, but emphasize transferable skills relevant to environmental activism.

Q2: How long should my resume be?

A2: Aim for one page, but expand if you have extensive experience.

Q3: Should I include references on my resume?

A3: It’s better to provide references separately when requested.

Q4: What font and style should I use for my resume?

A4: Choose a clean, professional font like Arial or Calibri and maintain consistency in 


Q5: How often should I update my resume?

A5: Regularly update it to reflect your latest experiences and achievements.

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International NonGovernmental Organizations Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:21:00 +0000 Amnesty International – Amnesty International An international non-governmental organization founded in 1961. The organization investigates human rights violations,

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Amnesty International – Amnesty International

An international non-governmental organization founded in 1961. The organization investigates human rights violations, brings these violations to public attention, and seeks the release of “prisoners of conscience” – those imprisoned for their beliefs or because of their ethnicity, gender, color or language. Amnesty also advocates for fair trials for political prisoners, an end to torture and ill-treatment of prisoners and prisoners of war, the abolition of the death penalty, the rights of conscripts to alternative civilian service, and the rights of refugees.

Human Rights Watch – Human Rights Watch

Founded in 1978, a non-governmental organization that monitors, investigates and documents human rights violations in more than 70 countries around the world. Conducts advocacy campaigns to make a significant impact on a given situation. “Human Rights Watch opposes violations of what it considers to be basic human rights, including the death penalty and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Defends freedoms related to or derived from fundamental freedoms such as freedom of religion and freedom of the press. Investigates violations of these norms and publicizes findings in regional and international media. The reports published by the organization are used as a basis for drawing international attention to abuses and as a tool to pressure governments and international organizations for reform. According to official statements, the organization does not accept financial assistance from governmental structures, existing at the expense of private donations. Each year, Human Rights Watch awards the title “Human Rights Defender” to activists who demonstrate leadership and courage in the defense of human rights.

International Committee of the Red Cross

A humanitarian organization operating worldwide on the principle of neutrality and impartiality. It provides protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict and internal disturbances. The organization’s offices, which employ more than 12,000 people, are located in nearly 80 countries around the world. In situations of armed conflict, the ICRC coordinates the activities of national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the International Federation, which unites them.

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres

An international independent humanitarian medical organization providing emergency care to victims of armed conflict, natural disasters and those denied medical care. It provides assistance to those in need regardless of gender, race, religion or political opinion. The organization sends more than 3,000 volunteers annually to more than 80 countries around the world, including zones of armed conflict. Volunteers of the organization work in many “hot spots”. In addition, Médecins Sans Frontières conducts preventive and educational work to combat drug addiction and AIDS. Founded in 1971, the organization is a worldwide movement consisting of 23 associations.

Reporters without Borders – Reporters sans frontières

The organization was founded in 1985 to fight against censorship and to free journalists imprisoned because of their professional activities. It publishes an annual freedom of expression index of more than 160 countries on its website.

International Commission of Jurists -The International Commission of Jurists

A non-governmental human rights organization working on international human rights law and international standards of justice. The Commission is a permanent group of 60 prominent jurists (judges and lawyers) from different countries, including representatives of the highest echelon of the judiciary in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Germany, Swaziland, Malawi, Botswana, Argentina, Colombia, Serbia, Tunisia, and other countries of the world.

World Organization Against Torture – World Organization Against Torture

The World Organization Against Torture is an international coalition of non-profit public organizations fighting against torture, extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, established in 1985. The network consists of 297 organizations dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights around the world. Provides targeted medical, legal and social assistance to victims of torture and ensures the daily dissemination of urgent appeals worldwide to prevent gross human rights violations, protect individuals and fight impunity. In addition, some activities focus on the protection of specific vulnerable groups such as women, children and human rights defenders.

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Examples of Successful Activism Thu, 12 May 2022 01:20:00 +0000 Center on Housing Rights and Evictions Established in 1994, this human rights organization works to protect housing rights

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Center on Housing Rights and Evictions

Established in 1994, this human rights organization works to protect housing rights and prevent forced evictions worldwide. The Center is guided by international legal instruments, while understanding that “housing” is more than a roof over one’s head. The Center emphasizes that “about half of the world’s population lacks decent housing, even though this right is guaranteed in international human rights instruments.” In its work to defend the rights to decent housing, the Center and its partners around the world are engaged in analysis, advocacy, education, and training to work in court on issues such as:

  • forced evictions
  • Property protection
  • Access to land
  • Water and sanitation
  • Women and housing rights
  • judicial and legal protection
  • Restitution and repossession
  • the impact of catastrophic events on housing rights.

In November 2010, in one of its recent landmark decisions, set out in Center for Housing Rights and Evictions v. Italy, the Council of Europe’s Committee on Social Rights (which oversees the revised European Social Charter) found that Italy had violated the rights of its Roma ethnic population by destroying their camps and expelling them from the country. The mass expulsions of members of the Roma ethnic group, who were citizens of other EU States but not of Italy, had increased significantly since 2008. The following violations have been identified: discrimination and violation of the rights of Roma to decent housing, to social, legal and economic protection, protection from poverty and social exile, and violation of the right of nomadic Roma families to protection and assistance. Italy has also been criticized for implementing policies that segregate Roma Roma and subject them to extremely poor housing conditions.

Caring for the environment in Switzerland

Between 1961 and 1976, several large chemical plants dumped more than 114,000 tons of toxic chemical waste into a former clay pit at Bonfohl, near Basel, Switzerland. Today it would be illegal to dump the waste, but in 1961, when the quarry began filling, no such dumps were prohibited by law. The toxic waste remained there, continuing to poison the area and the environment with a mixture of organic and inorganic pollutants. On May 14, 2000, about 100 Greenpeace activists occupied the Bonfole chemical dump site and demanded that the chemical companies that dumped toxic waste there take full responsibility for cleaning it up. The activists said they will remain at the dump site until the chemical companies commit to cleaning it up so that it is no longer a danger to human health or the environment.

The seizure of the landfill site forced the chemical companies to meet with local community representatives and Greenpeace, and as a result, they finally signed an agreement requiring that a feasibility study for the cleanup be completed by February 2001, and that cleanup work begin that year. The companies also agreed to the participation of local communities and environmental organizations in the cleanup process and committed to inform local authorities about the extent of groundwater and drinking water contamination resulting from the waste discharge. On July 7, 2001. “Greenpeace” ceased its action at the landfill site.

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Type of Human Rights NGOs Tue, 02 Mar 2021 21:08:00 +0000 The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights, known as the Vienna Conference, was attended by representatives of 841

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The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights, known as the Vienna Conference, was attended by representatives of 841 non-governmental organizations from around the world, each of which defined its mission as working with human rights. While this number is impressive in itself, it represents only a fraction of the total number of human rights NGOs operating in the world.

Most organizations that proclaim themselves to be “human rights” organizations tend to be concerned with the protection of civil and political rights. The best known of these organizations, at least in the international arena, are Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Federation for Human Rights, Human Rights First, and InterRights. However, as we have seen, civil and political rights are only one of many categories of various human rights recognized by the international community. Moreover, new rights continue to emerge even today. If we take all of this into account and include in this list NGOs that oppose poverty, violence, racism, health issues, homelessness and conservation, not to mention many others, the true number of NGOs engaged in human rights advocacy in one form or another would number in the hundreds of thousands worldwide.

How do they influence the process?

Non-governmental organizations may attempt to engage in human rights advocacy on many different fronts and levels, and the strategies they employ will vary according to the nature of their objectives: they may be more general or more specific, long-term or short-term, local, national or international in scope, etc.

Direct assistance

A common feature of non-governmental organizations active in the field of social and economic rights is the provision of some form of direct assistance to victims of human rights violations. This may be humanitarian assistance, protection or training in a new profession. If the right is protected by law, it may be legal assistance or advice on how to file a lawsuit. However, in many cases, direct assistance to the victim of a human rights violation is either not possible or is not the best use of a human rights organization’s resources. In such cases, which seem to be the majority, NGOs must work forward and find other ways to either remedy the rights violation or prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

Collecting reliable information

If there is a basic strategy on which the various forms of NGO activity are based, it seems to be the desire to “stigmatize” those who do injustice. Very often governments can evade their obligations under international agreements or other legal standards because the results of their policies are simply unknown to the general public. Collecting such information and using it to “stigmatize” governments is necessary to hold perpetrators accountable, and is therefore often used by non-governmental organizations. They seek to put pressure on the public and on governments by identifying cases that appeal to the human sense of justice and then publicizing them. Two of the best known organizations with a proven record of accurate monitoring and reporting are Amnesty International and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Both organizations have credibility not only with the general public but also with the UN, where their reports are considered part of the official monitoring of governments that have agreed to consider themselves bound by the terms of international agreements.

Campaigning and lobbying

International organizations often organize campaigning and advocacy campaigns to bring about policy change. Again, we see a variety of forms from which NGOs seek to select the most appropriate, depending on the objective, the nature of the “target” and, of course, the resources available. Some common methods of influence are summarized below.

  • Letter campaigns are a method that Amnesty International and other NGOs use effectively. Organizations “bombard” government officials with letters from thousands of their members around the world
  • Street actions or demonstrations with media coverage, which tend to show interest in such events, can be used when organizations want to gain public support or publicity for something and “shame” the government.
  • The media will often continue to play an important role in lobbying practices, but now social media and the Internet are becoming increasingly important.
  • NGOs submit their “alternative” reports to the UN monitoring body, thus creating an overall picture of the real human rights situation in a country.

In addition to demonstrations of support or public outrage, NGOs may also hold informal meetings or briefings for officials. Sometimes the mere threat of publicity is enough to bring about changes in policy or practice, as illustrated in the story below. Where once tapes, posters or faxes were used, email and petition campaigns, Internet sites, blogs and social media are now used.

In general, the more support from the public or other influential institutions (e.g., another government), the more likely a campaign is to achieve its goals. Even if NGOs do not always seek such support directly, pointing out the possibility of mobilizing a broad popular movement against a government may be enough to make their voices heard.

Human rights education and awareness-raising

Many human rights NGOs engage, at least as one of their activities, in public awareness or education work. Realizing that the general public is the basis of their support, NGOs try to reach individuals with as much information about human rights issues as possible. The better people are aware of these issues and of the ways in which human rights are protected, the more likely they are to be respected, which in turn provides a better opportunity to mobilize support for specific human rights violations. It is this support, actual or potential, that underpins the success of NGOs in improving the legal environment.

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